Labour’s plan for Old Bexley and Sidcup

Growing the economy and raising living standards

Families across Britain are being hit hard by a mortgage and housing bombshell, costing homeowners and renters hundreds extra each month. With food and energy prices so high, this is the last thing families need. We're in this mess because the Tories crashed the economy, leaving families to pay the price. Labour will take tough decisions to restore economic stability. 

Putting the NHS back on its feet

After 14 years of Tory neglect, our healthcare system is too often not there when it's needed. The longer the Conservatives are in power, the longer patients will wait. I am proud to work for the NHS, but I see how it’s been let down by over a decade of Tory decline.  I will work tirelessly to help cut NHS waiting times, expand community care and improve access and outcomes for patients. 

Giving local children the best start in life

I was the first in my family to go university, benefiting from the expansion of places delivered by Labour. But today I meet so many local people who tell me they don’t think their children will have the same opportunities they had. Is it any wonder, when schools across Bexley have suffered £21 million of cuts under the Tories? If elected, I’ll help deliver Labour’s pledge to recruit 6,500 new teachers and to reform childcare to make sure that all of our children get the best possible start in life.  

Labour's mission is for safer streets

Guaranteeing town centre police patrols in every community to tackle gangs, drug dealers and fly tippers – paid for by cutting outside contractors and waste. Labour will put police back in towns centres and neighbourhoods to make our streets safe again, with increased patrols and 13,000 more neighbourhood police and PCSOs. I’ll support a Labour government and local services to prevent crime, punish criminals and protect victims. 

Affordable homes for residents in Bexley

Residents’ mortgages and rents are soaring, driven by a shortage of housing and the Tories’ economic mismanagement. The dream of home ownership pushed further out of reach for so many people. I support Labour’s plan to protect our natural spaces and free up grey belt land for building. This will mean more affordable homes for people who need them. 

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Phone: 020 8302 6843

Post: Gerda Slater House, 31 Sidcup Hill, Sidcup DA14 6H

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Promoted by Donna Briant on behalf of Edward Jones, both at 31 Sidcup Hill, DA14 6HJ

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